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There are 254 neighborhoods surrounding the NYU Stern school of business.

Which one will you call home?

NYUmove Help

What is this Tool?

NYUmoves is a tool for students moving to the NYU Stern School of Business. The goal is to create dynamic results using recent data that enables a student to find a neighborhood in which to live. The top left menu allows for sorting by safety score, distance from NYU, and average monthly rent price for the neighborhood.

Where does the data come from?

The data is freshly downloaded from a variety of open government APIs. This data is updated at least once a month to ensure that you are receiving the most accurate information.

How Do I toggle Markers?

The & near the top right toggle Fire Station markers and school markers respectively. Yellow dots indicate school locations and red dots indicate fire station locations.

How is the safety Score () Calculated?

The safety score is calculated using a weigted matrix considering two equally weighted factors:

First, there is a fire score. This looks at how many fire stations are within a 1.5 mile radius of the neighborhood, which is the recommended distance by the government.

Second, there is a school safety score. This looks at how many crimes (major, violent, and property) have been reported at schools within a 1.5 mile radius of the neighborhood. Violent and Major crimes are given slightly more weight (5) than property crimes (3).

The fire score and school safety score are combined to calculate an overall safety score out of 5. This data has been logged in the console for your inspection.

A Project by Jordan Loeser
as participation Purdue IronHacks